Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Family Knows Now

HEADS UP -  This post is some info about my family. Not much ALS related but I hope you still read on.

I did it!   I told my family about my blog starting with my parents in person.

My Mother gave me her 100% approval and thinks it's great for me. What a relief. She did get in touch with me after going home to read everything to tell me God must always be capitalized. I will Mom. Thanks, I love you.

Dad approved 100% after he read the homepage aloud for everyone here just as I would have myself. Thanks, I love you

Who doesn't want approval from their big sister? She read and got back with me right away and told me she is proud and thinks it's a great blog, and other things great to hear from her. Thanks sis, I love you

All of my children told me they love it, and I have their 100% approval. So much relief. I have a wonderful family and I'm sure most of you may find it strange I'm just now telling them, and especially that it's scary for me. Even if we handle things in a way that is strange to you, we are very close.

I've done a lot of texting and starting to cramp up, not to mention the sun will be rising soon. I'm exhausted, so I'd like to introduce my immediate family now.

When Tony and I first met we both came with two kids and both inherited two more. We both had a son and daughter. While keeping it simple I want to introduce them. I'll go from oldest to youngest.

The oldest is Steven at 28 years old

Next is Tasha at 27 years old

We have Tyler at 23 years old

Last but not least is Amanda at 22 years old

Getting into Grand-kids is so simple yet tricky.

Ya know, there just aren't many "traditional" families anymore. It can get complicated. Half this, step that, uncle younger than nephew and all that stuff. Let's not pretend you all have no divorces, steps, halves and the such. If your family is perfect, you're an oddity. It's OK, Everyone is statistically odd in some way. And there are a lot worse things to be odd about than a long line of intact family.  Either way, Come on now, stop pretending. Your family is only picture perfect on the printed photo, Right? It doesn't mean there is no healthy family love going around.

OK, shooting for simple...

Tasha and husband, Billy, have 3 young boys at home. Jesse, Ethan and Uriah. Two grown kids that have left home, Nathan and Amber. Tasha was a great Mother to teens at a young age. While loving them both, she has a very strong bond with inherited daughter.

Amanda and Jason have our newest Grandson at 9 months old, Brayden, along with an older inherited Grandson and inherited son Amanda loves like her own, Jamieson.

Our boys have kept away from the parenting life so far.

It's birthday time for Tasha's young boys all born close in time of year. Time to hit up Toys R us!

They will be added to my family pictures.

This is my website/blog about my progression with ALS. I will throw snippets of family info sometimes. It helps you better understand the person behind this case of ALS. Respecting my family's privacy is of utmost importance to me. I'm the one opening up online. It's not recommended in general but, knowing my fate, I'm not so concerned about what that next employer might read about me in a few years.

This post is for those interested in the person behind this ALS case.

Most Importantly, this is for my family. I love you all!

Until next time, take care,









  1. I may be your older sister, but I have always looked up to you. You say what you mean, and you don't put on any facades. You are the real deal, and I love you much.

  2. Julie! Happy tears are welling up. You should only look up to me because I'm a little taller. If I had just accomplished half of what you have, I would feel extremely proud.
    I've never met another person with your determination to see something through, no matter how difficult. I've always been so proud of my big sister!
